New royal and noble books – February 2019

For more new books about royalty see:



Author: Helmut Reinmüller.

Title: Mary Vetsera. Der Grabraub 1992: Darstellung der Tat aus kriminalpolizeilicher Sicht mit neuen Fakten, Details und Bildern (Mary Vetsera. The grave robbery 1992: Representation of the crime from the point of view of the criminal police with new facts, details and pictures).

Publication: 15 February 2019 by KRAL.

Language: German.


Author: Jonathan Clements.

Title: A Brief History of Khubilai Khan. Lord of Xanadu, Founder of the Yuan Dynasty, Emperor of China.

Publication: 7 February 2019 by Robinson.

Language: English.


Author: Marie Courtemanche.

Title: Napoléon et le sacré. Une vie spirituelle, une politique religieuse (Napoleon and the sacred. A spiritual life, a religious policy).

Publication: 7 February 2019 by Les édition du Cerf.

Language: French.


Author: François-Marin Fleutot.

Title: Les rois de France excommuniés. Aux origines de la laïcité (The excommunicated Kings of France. At the origines of secularism).

Publication: 21 February 2019 by Les édition du Cerf.

Language: French.


Author: Christian Sepp.

Title: Ludovika. Sisis Mutter und ihr Jahrhundert (Ludovika. Sisi’s Mother and her Times).

Publication: 25 February 2019 by August Dreesbach Verlag.

Language: German.


Author: Ulrike Grunewald.

Title: Die Schand Luise. Der Skandal um Queen Victorias verstoßene Schwiegermutter (Scandal-Luise. The Scandal of the disowned mother-in-law of Queen Victoria).

Publication: 11 February 2019 by Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft Theiss.

Language: German.


Author: Carolin Philipps.

Title: Anna Amalia von Weimar. Regentin, Künstlerin und Freundin Goethes (Anna Amalia of Weimar. Regent, Artist and Friend of Goethe).

Publication: 1 February 2019 by Piper Taschenbuch.

Language: German.


Author: Susan Edgington.

Title: Baldwin I of Jerusalem 1100-1118.

Publication: 4 February 2019 by Routledge.

Language: English.


Author: Peter Crawford.

Title: Roman Emperor Zeno. The Perils of Power Politics in Fifth-Century Constantinople.

Publication: 28 February 2019 by Pen & Sword History.

Language: English.


Author: Xavier Casals.

Title: Franco y los borbones. Historia no oficial de la Corona española (Franco and the Bourbons. Non-official history of the Spanish crown).

Publication: 19 February 2019 by Editorial Ariel.

Language: Spanish.


Author: Robert B. Patterson.

Title: The Earl, the Kings, and the Chronicler. Robert Earl of Gloucester & The Reins of Henry I and Stephen.

Publication: 7 February 2019 by Oxford University Press.

Language: English.


Author: Lyndsy Spence.

Title: The Grit in the Pearl. The Scandalous Life of Margaret, Duchess of Argyll.

Publication: 1 February 2019 by The History Press.

Language: English.


Author: Kate Hubbard.

Title: Devices and Desires. Bess of Hardwick and the Building of Elizabethan England.

Publication: 26 February 2019 by Harper.

Language: English.

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